Saturday, March 14, 2009

Angel Food Ministries

About Angel Food Ministries:

Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization with a mission of providing affordable food and financial relief throughout the United States.

How It Works:

Each month Angel Food Ministries puts together a menu designed to feed a family of four for a week or a single individual for a month. They then sell the items on the menu in a box – referred to as a unit – at a deeply-discounted price. According to their website, a typical unit sells for $30, but has a retail value of around $60.

Who Is Eligible:

Everyone. There are no income requirements, applications to fill out or other qualifiers.

How to Order:

To order from Angel Food Ministries you'll need to locate a host site in your area (typically a church), and then place your order through the host site. Each host sets its own order deadline, pick up time and other program specifics.

What You'll Get:

The menu varies from month to month, but always includes a mix of fresh and frozen foods. Count on getting meats, fruits and vegetables, side dishes and a dessert item at minimum. You may purchase as many units as you would like – be it one unit or 10 – so the program can be tailored to your needs.

Other ordering options include a Senior/Convenience Box with ready-to-serve meals, occasional holiday boxes and special add-on boxes of meats or fruits.

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