I haven't seen a child that did not like to play with play dough or clay. As a mom of three children and three grandchildren, I know that play dough can become a mom's best friend or worst enemy. It depends on how you handle it.
Create a play dough kit for some entertainment with your children. It will contain all the essential items needed for creative play with this fun substance. Take the kit out when it's time to play and when playtime is over put it up until next time. Have very specific rules for the play dough kits and hopefully, your carpet or tables won't get ruined by their creations.
You can have a fun activity ready for your little one.
--Large plastic tub or storage container with a lid.
--Fresh supply of play dough or clay -- can be homemade or store bought.
--Inexpensive or old cookie cutters
--Cutting utensils such as plastic butter knives, pizza cutters, etc.
--Plastic coated place mats to protect their work surface
--Optional: garlic press, forks, melon baller, rolling pin, or other items.
You will enjoy making this homemade play dough with your children. It's inexpensive, fun and an educational activity for your children.
Here is the recipe for play dough:
1 cup of all purpose flour
1 cup of water
1/2 cup of salt
1 TB of oil - any oil will do
2 TB of cream of tartar
1/8 to 1/4 tsp of food coloring paste
Less coloring will produce a pastel color and more will produce bold colors. You may need to experiment a little.
Mix all the ingredients into a pan and blend with a whisk.
When all ingredients are blended, place the pan on the stove on medium to medium-high heat.
You will need to mix continually until the mixture thickens. It may take 3 to 4 minutes.
When the mixture starts to clump and is difficult to mix, take the pan off the stove.
Pour the dough on a floured surface and when it is cool enough to handle start kneading like bread dough.
Remove from the floured surface when the dough is no longer sticky. Knead away from the floured surface until all the flour on the dough is absorbed and the dough is smooth and pliable.
You're done!
To store, keep in:
A plastic wrap
A plastic bag
Or an airtight container such as Tupperware.
In another storage container, place all of the other goodies. The standard items can be dull butter knives, pizza cutters, rolling pin, and cookie cutters. Make sure that you have a plastic placemat for each child could work on.
Another important issue, which will help keep your sanity is clearly defined rules. The children need to know that misuse of the items would cause the play dough to be put away. Have rules such as: No play dough off of the placemats; If you drop dough, you must pick it up right away; Only 5 minutes per tool if someone else would like to use it; Everyone cleans up their own space.
Of course, you will want to create your own rules and guidelines that will fit the needs of your home. You will find that because the play dough kit is easily portable and it's all contained within the storage box, it's easy to remove the kit when play is out of hand and put it away for a specified amount of time.
Watch This Link of an 8 yr. old making Playdough